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Fresh Chestnut Mushrooms

FREE local delivery for orders $30 and up!

Nutritional Information

-Source of micronutrients like zinc, folate, copper, iron, vitamin B family and vitamin D

-Contain protein and very low on fat and carbohydrates

Flavor Profile

- Stems texture is similar to asparagus and the caps are mildly gelatinous

- Great for soups, creamy gravies and risotto

  • Chestnut
    Scientific name: Hypholoma sublateritium

    Chestnut mushrooms, not to be mistaken with Agaricus bisporus (button mushrooms), are indeed one our favorites at Mini Mushroom Fars. They are packed with nutty, umami and earthly flavour and they not only look like chestnuts but also taste like them.

    Texture of their stem is very similar to asparagus and their caps have a mild gelatinous property which makes crowd favourite when it comes to soups, creamy gravies and of course, risotto! Like their other cousins, chestnut mushrooms shine when it comes to essential micronutrients like zinc, folate, copper, iron, vitamin B family and vitamin D.

    They are also a very healthy choice of high quality amino acids (building block of protein) because they are naturally very low on carbohydrates and they contain >1% fat.